Commercial Property Owner’s Association Management

Managing a Property Owner’s Association (POA) is an essential function for any business park that enjoys the peace and tranquility of working with neighbors. Sometimes this is not easy – there are compliance complexities governed by complicated covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) and/or bylaws, which have notices and specific timelines that can seem overwhelming. However, Community Vision’s team has over 15 years of managing POAs. With our specific guidelines in place, and our ability to understand and navigate the complicated CC&Rs and bylaws of your business park, we will have your association functioning on time and in compliance with your governing documents. Here is what is involved with transitioning management of your association:

Transition Account Checklist
Detailed list of all documents and information required from the declarant or former property Management Company. All documents will be available online for all members.
Association Profile/Component List
Initial association inspection will include all information about the association, and all its components. This detailed list has everything relating to the maintenance of the park, and helps with budget creation, evaluating risk, and timely performance of all preventative maintenance projects.
Annual Association Calendar
Interactive online calendar shared with all members so that everyone is aware of annual, quarterly or monthly meetings, as outlined in the CC&Rs and bylaws of the association. This calendar also includes schedules of monthly contracted services, as well as detailed timeframes for improvements such as parking lot striping, pre-approved annual budgets/reserve studies.
Maintenance/Inspection Reports
Weekly inspections detailing any and all violations, repairs (with photographs), recommendations, and completion timeframes, if applicable. Any violations noted reference specific Articles and/or Sections to ensure compliance.
Collecting Dues, Special Assessments & Lien Notices
Billing, tracking, and collection within specific timeframes. Includes collecting any overdue assessments, recording lien notices in a timely manner, and ensuring funds are available. Any scheduled increases during the budgeting process (as approved by the Board) are communicated with members in a timely manner.

Monthly financial reports are provided to each member through their individual Client Portal, via our CIVICSERVER® technology. This not only provides access to specific figures, but also community information like an annual association calendar, association documents, and any other pertinent items.

© Community Vision, Inc. 2022